Hours : Mon To Sat - 7:30AM - 5PM, Saturday/Sunday Closed


Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to the FAQ section of SSA English Medium School, where we address common queries to provide clarity and assistance. Here, you'll find answers to frequently asked questions about enrollment procedures, curriculum, extracurricular activities, school policies, and more. We understand the importance of clear communication and aim to provide comprehensive information to support you in navigating your journey with us. If you don't find the answers you're looking for, feel free to reach out to our dedicated team for personalized assistance. Empowering you with knowledge is our priority, ensuring a smooth and enriching experience at SSA.

The admission process at SSA involves filling out an application form, submitting necessary documents such as birth certificate and previous academic records, attending an entrance assessment if applicable, and participating in an interview with school officials in the office during office hours

At SSA, we offer a wide range of extracurricular activities including sports, arts, debate, and community service initiatives. These activities are designed to cater to diverse interests and talents, providing students with opportunities for personal growth and development outside the classroom.

Yes, SSA offers Arabic language instruction as part of our curriculum, providing students with the opportunity to learn and appreciate the language, culture, and traditions of the Arab world. Arabic classes are taught by qualified instructors and are integrated into the school's academic program.

At SSA, the well-being of our students is a top priority. We have dedicated counselors and support staff who provide guidance, counseling, and pastoral care to students as needed. Additionally, we promote a positive school climate through various initiatives focused on mental health awareness, bullying prevention, and fostering a sense of belonging and inclusivity among students.